
Friday, May 22, 2020

Week 2 Update

Week 4 has seen the students settle back nicely into daily routines after a disruptive few weeks.  It is lovely to see them all back ready to learn.  This week we have returned to working in Kagan groups. The children are enjoying developing their teamwork and communication skills. They love to share their ideas and knowledge as well as listening to group ideas.

In mathematics we are focusing on understanding length and mass, as well as adding and subtracting with numbers larger than 20. Students are consolidating the speed and fluency with which they use mental strategies to solve problems:
·       doubles (2+2=4)
·       fact families (1+2=3, 2+1=3, 3-2=1, 3-1=2)
·       skip counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s forward and back from any number
·       10’s facts
·       counting on and back
·       odd and even numbers

In literacy we have been using adjectives to describe nouns.  Next week we will be looking at adverbs.  In writing we are using these skills to make our personal recount writing more interesting and exciting. 

Reading books, spelling words and sight words are coming home weekly, along with activities to practice skills covered in class.  Please sign the Practice Time work before returning it on a Monday.

We are talking about resilience this term. We have met Bounce Back Bear, who is helping the students to learn what to do when they experience conflict with classmates and friends. We are also learning how to cope when feeling anxious or worried. I encourage you to talk to your child about what they have learnt throughout the term.

Library Day – Wednesday
No Throw Tuesday – rubbish free lunch day
Practice Time – Due each Monday
Sport – Tuesday

If you have any queries, please email me or phone the school and leave a message for me to give you a call.

I look forward to working with the children this term.
